Choose One That Maximizes the Return on Your Investment.

You’ve decided to investigate adding more units through the accessory dwelling units zoning process, or ADUs, on your multi-family property. That’s a huge step, because ADUs on multi-family properties can result in the fastest way a property owner can increase revenue – if done right. 

“Done right” means designed and built legally, responsibly, and thoroughly vetted from all standpoints. It means working with a team of experts who are forward-thinking when it comes to anticipated cash flow and long-term value.

Choose One That Maximizes the Return on Your Investment

The Right Multi-Family ADU Team Is a Multi-Family ADU Team That Does Things Right. 

How do you know when you’ve found the right team? You feel confident that you’ve found partners who think like smart, opportunistic investors. They have demonstrated to you through previous work that they know how to optimize a property’s ability to generate sustainable revenue. They understand how to avoid problems due to the depth of knowledge, combined experience, comprehensive skill sets, and integrity they represent. 

If you have a strong sense that you’re talking to resources that will take as much pride in your project as you do, you’re on the right track. If you also feel a sense of comfort that you’ll be working with a team that can alleviate the stress and frustration that often go hand-in-hand with construction projects, you’re likely on solid ground.

Multi-family ADUs: What’s Actually Feasible? Realistic? 

Adding multi-family ADUs involves much more than simply building the ADUs, however. The first step is in determining what’s workable for your particular situation. What this means is conducting a thorough feasibility study. This ensures that your multi-family ADU project is approached with eyes wide open. It allows you to avoid potential problems, unnecessary costs, or  anything else you might not have otherwise foreseen.

Steve Edrington, President and founder of Adapt Dwellings, notes, “We don’t roll dice on business decisions, so all new projects start with a feasibility study. This is a key component of our proven success. It’s how we ensure each and every client that their ADU project will not die because a thorough feasibility study wasn’t done.” 

“We’re the kind of people who do things the right way.”

Steve has the ability to think like an investor because he is a successful real estate investor himself. He leads a team of professionals at Adapt Dwellings that both design and build multi-family ADUs. “We can effectively deliver your project from concept to keys, including all aspects from planning to permitting to construction.”

Steve is a Certified Property Manager, Certified Commercial Investment Member, and residential building code inspector, with over 25 years of experience as a broker, investor and developer. He has extensive experience in condo conversions and ADUs, with over 50 rehabs under his belt. He is also a former president and executive director of the East Bay Rental Housing Association. He is an industry leader in multi-family ADUs and investment properties.  Philip Barthman is Adapt Dwellings’ Senior Building Inspector, with over 20 years of experience as an Alameda County building inspector. His vast experience in this area and 35 years experience as an electrician result in compliance with applicable codes, ordinances and specifications. His specialization in the evaluation of illegal units, unsafe dwellings and conversions of habitable and non-habitable spaces provide the assurance that investors and property owners can rely on when moving forward with their multi-family ADU projects.

Gracie O’Rourke is a talented and highly creative California-licensed architect with Adapt Dwellings. She has over ten years of experience in architecture and interior design for multi-family residential, commercial, and hospitality projects.

One of the things Gracie loves most is the rewarding challenge of helping clients realize their dream space within the confines of sometimes limited square footage with which to work. Her relationships with local planning and building departments enables her to work directly with clients from concept design through approved plans, which is yet another way in which Adapt Dwellings ensures that projects  move forward seamlessly – and successfully.  

In addition, Adapt Dwellings, Incorporated holds a Class B General Contractor license (CSLB #1098831). 

It’s Both What You Know and Who You Know.

As with most industries, relationships are critical in design and build construction projects and multi-family property investments. This is especially true in a challenging market like the Bay Area. Adapt Dwellings is based in Oakland and has established solid, long-term relationships with local governments that can streamline the navigation of permitting and zoning regulations, to name just a few examples. 

Additionally, financing for multi-family investment properties and adding ADUs can be more complicated, with larger cash outlays. A trusted network of potential lenders and advisors is yet another advantage that the team at Adapt Dwellings Offers.

Adapt Dwellings: We’re the Bay Area’s Multi-Family ADU Experts!

Partner with Adapt Dwellings, and you get much more than multi-family ADU “builders.” In addition to our established relationships, we have established a reputation as the Bay Area’s multi-family ADU experts. We provide the type of guidance that allows our clients to evaluate a full range of opportunities with multi-family ADUs and make sure you’re not leaving any money on the table. 

Maximizing cash flow, value, and long-term ROI for our clients THE RIGHT WAY is our sweet spot!