Remove Doubt from the Process of Adding or Legalizing Units

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are an exciting opportunity — but before you waste time and money — you want to know for certain whether the project is even possible (some 15% are not). Because of our thorough understanding of local planning, zoning, and approval processes, we can tell you upfront whether it’s a go/no go.

Get Your Sample Feasibility Study and ADU Guide

A Feasibility Study Will Prevent Wasted Money

As Bay Area experts in ADUs, we remove the doubt from the process by starting with a feasibility study that:

  • Provides complete transparency about ADU laws
  • Covers what’s possible with your property
  • Details potential costs for the project
  • Explains specific approval process through your city/county
  • Presents return on investment of adding an ADU
Our ADU Guide Explains the 8-Step Process

If you are considering converting or adding or legalizing a residential unit, either single family or multi-family, we can handle the process from feasibility study to designing the plans and then, most importantly, getting them approved by city building departments. We often get plans approved quicker and more effectively than others, saving both time and money.